Sunday 23 December 2012


Dear Cornelius Readers,
   I apologize. I forgot about Caturday! So here is a special Christmas Caturday Sunday Special. The extra special is because it is extra special.


I wanna start this Christmas post by telling you a story about how I found a picture of a cat on Google Image Search that looks just like my cat. I googled: "Cat looks like Panda" and you can even see in this screen cap that the fifth picture is a cat that is playing with a plush panda doll. What the hell is that sixth picture?

Anyways here is a closer look at the Google Image Search Panda cat:

Saturday 15 December 2012



Hello everyone. Sorry I have not posted much this week. I have been writing my final exams for university. I have two exams left to write next week and then I will be done on the 18th. Snicklefritz has been helping me study by parking her butt right in the middle of my binder. Thanks Snicklefritz. Now I have binders full of cats.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Smooth Mellow Jam

Hey guys, here is a smooth mellow jam that I found.
This is a really great track. I heard it at the end of the film 'Domino'.
Domino was written by one of my all time favorite writers Richard Kelly creator of 'Donnie Darko' and Southland Tales; a couple of my favorite films. Domino was directed by Tony Scott who was in the news this past year because he died after he jumped off of the Vincent Thomas Bridge in Los Angeles.

Whenever I hear a song in a movie I wonder if the director chose the song or if it was part of the script of if one of the actor's was listening to it and someone said: "Hey that is good! Let's use it in the movie!" Maybe it was just added in post-production. Either way. Here is the jam. Have a nice day folks.



Thursday 6 December 2012

Last Day of Classes was Yesterday

Hello Readers, 

Yesterday was the last day of classes at Mount Royal U. It was a challenging semester. Today I slept in until 1pm. It felt great. I just watched the film 'Ted' on the couch with my cat for two hours and now I have to go to work. We have a huge christmas order coming in today at the liquor store. Lifting all of those beer boxes is my version of going to the gym. I get a good workout. Stay tuned for more posts now that I'm out of school.


Wednesday 5 December 2012

And the winner is...

If you are on Twitter then perhaps you have seen author Brett Easton Ellis' twitter account. It is funny and over the top pretentious. He is talking a lot about the movies that are eligible to be nominated for Academy Awards at the Oscars in February. I love the Oscars. They are always around the same time as my birthday.
Anyways, Easton Ellis has been mentioning that The Silver Linings Playbook by director David O. Russell is a contender. David O. Russell is a pretty good director but he is known for having an outburst during the filming of I Heart Huckabees.
I still think that David O. Russell is a good director regardless of the way he acted during the outburst. I  have not seen The Silver Linings Playbook yet. I wanted to get caught up on David O. Russell's work so I watched his Academy Award winning film The Fighter. Its a good one. Your thoughts?

Tuesday 4 December 2012


Here is a link to a really cool program that will show you the scale of the universe.
Did you ever wonder what a nebula is? Or a parsec? Now you can!

Scale of The Universe

Enjoy this one and turn up your speakers, the music is great!

Sunday 2 December 2012

Pro-Hab Helmet Society

I emailed my friend Shane some questions about a non-profit organization that he is involved with in Calgary. The Pro-Hab Helmet Society wants you to know that you should love your brain.

Pro-hab is a non-profit organization aimed at promoting the use of bicycle helmets. We try to encourage people to wear helmets by overcoming the objections often used against helmet use - cost, and image barrier. We provide helmets on a by-donation basis, and we feel that by wearing a helmet while cycling you look more confident and it shows a lot of respect to those who care for you. We have a slogan, "safety is sexy" because we truly believe that you look smarter and more confident, and by wearing a helmet it shows that you care for yourself and those who care for you. Pro-hab can give you a brand new helmet in exchange for a cash donation of any amount.


This is probably one of the most common questions, naturally. There is no recommended donation; the helmets cost us, on average, $25-$30, so any donation of a similar amount helps to perpetuate our program and get another helmet for someone else.

Wearing a helmet is akin to wearing a seat-belt while driving. It may not necessarily save your life, but it can. It's a small 'burden' to decrease your chances of sustaining a sever, or life-threatening, injury in the event of an accident.

Pro-hab originally started in Vancouver. We adopted the model and opened up a chapter in Calgary following the death of my cousin, Dan Winnick, who was injured in an accident involving a motor-vehicle while cycling. Dan wasn't wearing a helmet. We hope to prevent this situation from happening again by promoting the use of helmets and making them more accessible to those who wouldn't ordinarily seek them out on their own. My main motivation is to save others from going through what i, my friends, and my family went through in coping with the loss of a loved one.

Members of The Prohab YYC Team

We share an office with the Sled Island music festival at 2206a 4th st. SW. We don't have a full-time staff of volunteers, so if someone is looking to get a helmet from us they can fill out our helmet request form at and we will contact them and arrange a time for a fitting. We can also be contacted via Facebook: -or- twitter: @prohabyyc.

Shane Rempel
I guess our main point is: although wearing a helmet is a personal choice (we are not trying to change the law, because we support personal liberties) if you suffer a severe injury as a result of not wearing a helmet, such as brain damage or even death, it affects everyone who cares about you. One simple accident can be life-altering for you, your family and your friends. There is no good reason not to wear a helmet. 

I was really stoked to do this blog post for Shane. It is not always easy for him to talk about what happened to his cousin. Shane has done a lot of good work getting the helmets to the people. The success of ProHab Helmet Society in Calgary can be attributed to the many people who volunteer their time to the organization and to Shane's passionate leadership. 

Saturday 1 December 2012

Graffiti on a C-train platform


This week's graffiti was sent in from one of my highly esteemed blog readers Scotland's Shame.

It looks like it says "Kill (A) Nazi Scum." I am interpreting the (A) as an anarchy symbol. It is very poorly drawn and as a result this graffiti "artist" is going to lose a lot of points in the visual style and artist dexterity categories. Unfortunately the (A) is so poorly drawn that this artist will not be able to make up any of those points in the creativity or effort categories. What I am willing to do is consider that the medium is the message. While trying to draw the symbol for anarchy you have committed the highest order of artistic anarchy by defying all norms. For this I salute you.

I want to talk a bit about how the word scum has been scratched out. I wish that I could interview the artist and ask him if this was intentional or if it was added afterwards. My impression of this artist is that they would lie to me to make it seem as though they actually scratched that out on purpose for visual effect.

Visual Style                   1 out of 5
Artist Dexterity              -2 out of 5 (negative)
Creativity                       0 out of 5
Effort                            -3 out of 5
Cultural Relevance        1 out of 5

TOTAL: negative [3] out of 25

I am not aware of a mathematical way to express this score as a percentage.
There are many ways to interpret this graffiti. As a result, the viewer is confused about which role they play in this graffiti. "Kill Anarchy, nazi-scum." "Kill anarchy-nazi, scum." Is nazi-scum the subject of this poorly structured sentence ? or are there people out there who are 'anarchy-nazis'? Should I be scared? I think that the only thing that I am really scared of is that this "graffiti artist" is out there "creating" more of these abominations. My only advice for this artist is to work on visual style and grammar so that people won't dismiss you as a worthless teenager who will grow up to be a 28 year-old deadbeat father of three children who skips town and then dodges his child-support payments and complains about his manager at KFC expecting too much from him for the amount of his paycheque that gets garnished by collection agencies. Who is the anarchy nazi now?


Have a nice Caturday everyone!

Friday 30 November 2012



Happy Friday everybody. Here is a video clip of Chris Klein singing karaoke in the movie Hank & Mike (2008). The song is called 'It Happens In Florida' by the Burning Hell. I love this song even though this is not necessarily the best version out there. The visuals from the film are great.

Alison Redford

I just saw Alison Redford at Mount Royal University. She walked into the building and walked right past me. I was so starstruck that I just froze up. I should have yelled: "SAVE FORT CHIP! SAVE THE ATHABASCA!" I know that she is just one person in a giant government institution but she can still make a difference. I don't think she would have been impressed if I yelled at her. Her security guard had one of those ear pieces with the coiled wire sticking out. He probably would have tazed me. Don't taze me bro.

I think I should do another post about the Alberta oil sands. The saddest part about the Alberta oil sands is that Alberta is like a drug pusher and the USA are the junkies. It is the best analogy for the Alberta oil sands. We are locked into this pusher-junkie relationship whether we like it or not. Not even Alison Redford can save us now. Holy smokes.

Thursday 29 November 2012

I love cats

I love my cat and I would love to have more cats, but holy smokes! How many cats does she have? I surmise that she takes very good care of all of these cats. Check out her signature gif she uses on this forum.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

NHL Lockout Lager

I work evenings at a liquor store near the university where I take classes. I stock the wine racks and the beer cooler. This week we got a huge delivery of these Calgary Flames special edition 15-packs of Budweiser cans.  

This is really sad for me because there is an NHL lockout and this just reminds me about the greed of the NHL. Tickets to hockey games are so expensive and when you go to a Calgary Flames game the beers are $7.75 for a small glass. Nothing about these Calgary Flames Budweiser 15-packs makes me feel happy.

Monday 26 November 2012

Calgary By-Election

I have cast my vote today in the Federal by-election for the Calgary Centre electoral district.
The previous Member of Parliament was Lee Richardson who jumped ship in May to go work with the Alberta provincial government and has left his job vacant since then.
Tonight we will see who will be elected as the new MP. Please add your comments below about golden-handshake pensions for politicians.

PC Candidate Joan Crockatt won the by-election

Sunday 25 November 2012

Calgary Archery Center


So we went to the Calgary Archery Center on Saturday and it was pretty cool. It is setup inside a warehouse in southeast Calgary off of Peigan Trail. We made it during the last hour of the day so they let the two of us shoot arrows until they closed for the discounted rate of $14 per person. That covered our rental of a bow and an hour on the range. It was pretty sweet.


   As we passed through the archery Pro-Shop on the way to the target range we were being watched by so many taxidermied animals that were mounted on the walls. I have a couple of pictures but seriously there are so many antelope, deer and caribou. One wall must have had 20 heads of wild animals mounted on the wall above displays of hunting supplies and archery gear. 

The archery range itself is nothing too fantastic. There are targets on walls that are set up at several varying distances away from the shooting line. The people with the really nice professional compound bows are shooting at the far targets. We were in the amateur section with a bunch of others using regular traditional bows on a mid-range target wall. The guy from the archery range gave us a 3 minute instruction session and then disappeared.

In addition to the walls with targets there were 3-D targets on the range. A big pink hand-written sign that says that you have to pay another $6 if you want to shoot at the 3-D targets. The 3-D targets are styrofoam animals that you can shoot arrows at. There was a wide variety. There was even a giant cobra. I couldn't photograph the cobra because I didn't have enough time when we went to retrieve our arrows. 

One thing that surprised me was that they had these two styrofoam targets sitting on the side. There was a 3-D target shaped like a Darth Vader head that was sitting next to the head of what I can only imagine is Mark Twain. The Darth Vader head was unscathed but the Mark Twain head was perforated with dozens of holes from being used for target practice. What's up with that?

Is that Mark Twain?

As I mentioned before I was under a time constraint to take photographs. The way that it worked was that everybody had the chance to shoot three arrows. There were about a dozen of us using the archery range so once everyone had shot their arrows we all put down our bows and went to retrieve our three arrows. I would stop to take pictures and I did not want to seem as though I was holding everybody up. Also one of my problems is that I would aim too high and my arrow would go over the target wall and end up in a auxiliary storage area for 3-D targets so I would have to climb over every time to get them. Honestly I was 'that guy' who was holding up the whole group. I really wanted to get a picture of the cobra but it just wasn't in the cards. I did manage to get this snapshot of bigfoot. What a yeti! You know, in case you wanted to practice shooting arrows at the sasquatch. I don't get it? Why would anyone want to shoot an arrow at bigfoot. Okay, maybe in self-defense. I just wonder if the sasquatch has enough dexterity to use a bow and arrow. I would hate to get caught off guard by a sasquatch that was armed with a bow and arrow. If you look closely at the photograph you can see that they have a dinosaur target. Great. Now I can simulate the experience that creationists' ancestors went through! 
Styrofoam Sasquatch target is scowling. You can also shoot at a dinosaur.

Four Dollar Find


I scored this from the value basket at the local independent liquor store. I still haven't drank the beer yet. I have never heard of this beer before.

Saturday 24 November 2012

Graffiti in the stairwell at school

Mount Royal University Graffiti Review

I photographed this graffiti in one of the stairwells at Mount Royal University in Calgary, AB. This really caught my eye because it deals with a subject that we have been thoroughly discussing in one of my classes. That topic is the systemic discrimination against the First Nations people of Canada. Aboriginals in any part of the world have a rich cultural heritage and strong ties to the past. Sadly, the history of Aboriginal Canadians is a story of oppression and marginalization. That's why I am proud to celebrate native culture in today's graffiti review. It is good to see positive messages out there for a change! 
On a graffiti rating scale of 5 categories this artist receives the following grades:

Visual Style                  2.5 out of 5
Artist Dexterity              1.4 out of 5 
Creativity                      4.1 out of 5
Effort                            1.0 out of 5
Cultural Relevance         5.0 out of 5

    TOTAL:                 14 out of 25 


I am pretty stoked on your message but I think you need to work on your visual style. I understand that you may have been in a hurry to get it written and then get out of there before anyone saw you. Keep the positive messages flowing and work on your penmanship. Good job! 



I took this picture of Snicklefritz a couple weeks ago. People have a hard time taking me seriously because my cat is named Snicklefritz. The day that I took this picture I was going to crack open a beer but then I decided to be creative and mix up a martini instead. It was pretty good. I am always up for a new challenge.

Friday 23 November 2012

Graffiti in Edmonton

Edmonton Graffiti Review

I wasn't sure if I should take this seriously. I decided that I would give it a chance.
This was on the back of a hotdog stand off of Whyte Avenue and Calgary Trail in Edmonton, AB.
On a graffiti rating scale of 5 categories this artist receives the following grades:

Visual Style                  2.0 out of 5
Artist Dexterity           -2.0 out of 5 (negative)
Creativity                     2.7 out of 5
Effort                           1.0 out of 5
Cultural Relevance        5.0 out of 5

    TOTAL:                 8.7 out of 25
Good use of the background but still absolutely dreadful. 


Strength in the face of adversity 
means that when someone is 
screaming in your face 
you are still strong enough to 
do the right thing.

Thursday 22 November 2012

Statue in Edmonton

This is a photograph that I took in September of a notable statue in downtown Edmonton, AB.
This statue is located on the south side of the Stanley A. Milner Library.

This statue is titled: "The Trader" and it depicts a white man giving blankets to an Aboriginal Canadian.    The controversy is that there are allegations that white men intentionally gave smallpox-infested blankets to natives as a form of ethnic cleansing. I am not contesting the argument that the colonization of white european settlers had an irreversibly negative effect on Aboriginals in Canada. White colonization of North America is a shameful part of history. I think that the failure of white colonists to integrate with the Aboriginals in Canada is one of the highest forms of racism. The small pox blanket allegations are probably based on a real-life scheme. I would not put it past white colonists to pull-off such a diabolical plan.

In light of the smallpox-infested blanket allegations I think that this statue is insensitive. I will admit that this statue sheds light on a darker part of Canadian history and that acknowledging these problems is an important part of starting a dialogue and moving forward. I think that this statue is disrespectful because not every person who sees this statue is going to think critically about its significance. I believe that this statue was installed with the intention of depicting a peaceful exchange between the natives and the white colonists and this is misleading.  This statue does not tell the full story.

How do you feel about this statue?

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Don't Drink The Water


So I've started back at school full-time at Mount Royal University and I have adopted a learning theory where I intersect the contents of my five courses so that I can maximize my learning. 

In my first class, Research Design and Methodology, I learned about the professional guidelines for designing, conducting and publishing research. The content of this course is applicable to all fields of study.

Writing in a Digital Context is the class that inspired me to create this blog.

In my Scientific Math & Literacy class I was given an assignment to debate whether or not hydraulic fracturing is safe. I loved this assignment. Hydraulic fracturing or 'Fracking' is a dirty process where natural gas companies pump a mixture of water, sand and 596+ chemicals into the ground in order to create a fracture in the shale that will release natural gas. Fracking can lead to contamination of the ground water. Maybe you have seen the videos on the internet of people who can light their tap water on fire. That flammable water was also featured in the documentary Gasland. I recommend this documentary to anyone who loves nature and anyone who loves drinking water. There is no doubt in my mind that fracking is a waste of fresh water. I think that fresh water is a valuable resource that is going to become an expensive commodity soon.

In my Urban Sociology class we talk about how city planners have shaped cities in the past and how they should shape them in the future. We talk about how major cities are shaped by the interests of the business elite and the political elite. We talk about sustainability. One theme that is recurring is the theory that suburban sprawl is not sustainable. Residential developers will not be able to continue to build communities the way that they are being built today because we do not have the infrastructure or resources to continue living the way we are living. Our energy demands are too high. We have read several studies that suggest that in about 20-25 years people will have no choice but to radically change the way that we live. 

I did not make this macro.

And finally in Sociology of Health and Illness we discuss the social determinants of health. Some people are proud that Canada has potable tap water. The United Nations have declared that "clean water and sanitation are essential to the realization of all human rights". In this class we discuss how in Canada the government is supposed to be responsible for providing citizens with clean drinking water. We also discuss how the water cycle has been polluted by industrial development, wide-scale use of pesticides and everyday human pollution. This is where I am perplexed. We have been heavily polluting our water system for more than 50 years and we still expect that our government is ensuring that our tap water is drinkable. 


So where do we go from here? We already pay for water on our utility bills. People are probably scared to buy their water from a private company because we are worried about commercial interests controlling the price of water. Nobody wants to be extorted for something that we all need to live. On the other hand there are people in developing countries that have very limited access to potable water. Maybe things are too good for us. Maybe we should be paying more for water. Maybe we need to be more conscious about where our water is coming from and where it is going to come from in the future. 

Go change your Brita filter. This is not my photo.
Do most people care about their drinking water? Do people just keep using their Brita without changing the water filter and then all you get is those little black sediments. What are those? How much do we really care about what we are drinking?

When was the last time that you tested the water that you drink? When was the last time that you tested the water that you brush your teeth with?

I watched a documentary called Radically Simple about a man named Jim Merkel. He said that an important part about making social change is that we should not blame anyone. We should not point fingers. Nothing is accomplished when we accuse each other of being 'unvironmental'. We need to start small and make changes the are positive for the planet. We need to reduce our energy demands. We need to reduce the number of vehicles on the road and we need to reduce our travel times. We need to produce more food locally and we need to take energy from clean sources. Many of these things can be accomplished on a very small scale. If every person does one small thing to make the world a better place then we can gain momentum. 

Should we salvage the drinking water systems that we have? Should we encourage our government to subsidize farmers and food producers so that they can use processes that do not negatively affect our drinking water system? Should we encourage the federal government to provide funding for municipalities to develop better drinking water programs in their communities?



    Today I have started this blog. I have grown tired of using Facebook as a pseudo-blog and I am ready to come out of the blogging closet. I am a blogger. It is official. You heard it here first. We are going to blog about a little bit of everything and I am very excited to be able to share with you.

    My interests range from survivalism to street art. I am a prepper. This means that I store water, food and supplies in my basement in the event of a disaster. I am interested in all kinds of literature, film and art. I am a street art enthusiast and I have photographed graffiti, stencil art, wheat pastes, tags and stickers all over the world. I love traveling. I have been to Africa three times and I want to go back again some day. The only continents that I have not travelled to are Australia and Antarctica. 

    In this first post I would like you to see where I am blogging from. This is my dinning room table and that happy camper in the beer flat box is my cat Snicklefritz. She is a well-behaved and sociable cat. She just looks grumpy because she is perpetually waking up from naps. I will try an post a picture of my cat every Caturday.